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Nitrate for meat 100g(Poland)

Offer type: salePublished: 13.07.2016
Price:50 UAH
Seller:Krivitskij Sergej Dmitrievich
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Address:Ukraine, Ternopil's'ka Oblast', Ternopil
Dietary nitrate (KNO3) is a colorless crystalline salt,used to prepare(marinate) the meat before the heat treatment.Nitrate is the most important(except common salt) Supplement to the meat,which not only contributes to the preservation of meat quality(destroying various putrefactive bacteria),but also improves the color and characteristic flavor of meat. The use of dietary nitrate(KNO3) containing only nitrate ions is more healthy and safe from all existing on the market of additives for meat processing. The highest quality is a 5-7 day marinating meats, use of dietary nitrate. Net weight-100g(one pack is at least 50 kg of meat). Manufacturer Poland.