Price: | 65 UAH |
Company: | PP 'Vrozhaj Plyus S' |
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Address: | Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', P”yatykhatky |
Fragrant and bright phacelia is a versatile plant that is used not only for decorative purposes, but also as a valuable green manure or green fertilizer. Enriching the soil with nutrients, macro - and microelements. This annual crop is able just for one season to improve the fertility and structural composition of the soil. Also, phacelia is used as a valuable fodder and melliferous culture. The plant blooms practically all summer, and up to the first frosts, providing a rich bribes for the bees during a period when other plants have finished flowering.
This is one of those rare plants, which can always be found hard-working bees from early spring, when other honey plants not yet blooming, to late autumn and from early morning to almost sunset.
Honey plant easily recognizable by the blue-purple color of its flowers and the sweet aroma instantly attracts the bees. The duration of flowering of one nectarines about 3 days. After flowering, the plant is cut and they fertilize the soil.
Phacelia is a photophilous plant, but successfully develops and in shaded areas
height from 50 to 70 cm flowering Period for plantations is between 20 to 45 days: first flowers open at the bottom and then gradually get to the top.
To produce green fertilizers with honey it need to be sown immediately after the snow melts. But it is more efficient to plant the plant in late summer or fall to winter seeds lay in the ground. For example, collected all culture — visivite honey.
Phacelia seedlings appear quickly, in about 1.5-2 weeks.
Seeding phacelia – 15 – 20 kg per ha. The plant is characterized by endurance and cold tolerance and easily tolerates autumn and spring frosts of up to — 90C.
To the ground phacelia is not fastidious, grows on almost all types of land.
Since culture is resistant to frost, it is practically not afraid of any weather conditions, except cold and wind. Constant watering also does not need. Perfectly tolerate drought. Grows in full sun or shade.
Phacelia sow at any time of year, starting since March, after a strong frost.
A dressing needs only 2 times per season.
Rules of planting the following:
Before you plant flowers, you need to clean the seeds of excess debris.
The soil is loosened and removed all the garbage.
The seeds can be mixed with sand.
They are put in the soil to a depth of 2-3 cm Or scatter on the ground.
Top need a little to compact the ground.
The first sprouts will appear in a couple of weeks.
Blooms a month after planting.
Phacelia — known green fertilizer (green manure), improving soil structure, enriches the soil with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and contributing to the growth inhibition of weeds. The rapid growth and volume of green mass of green manure allows in the flowering period to dig the soil with dense plantings of phacelia. Many agronomists recommend again to plant this nutritious green manure on the same place. This farming technique allows to significantly improve the fertility of the soil, to dislodge the pests (worms, nematodes, wireworms, caterpillars), weeds (couch grass, chickweed) from the site and change the acidity of the soil (from acidic to neutral). Heavy soil after planting green manure becomes light, airy and loose.
Experienced gardeners phacelia planted between vegetable beds with seedlings of cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, etc. First, the greens phacelia protects seedlings from temperature extremes, weeds and wind. When vegetable crops are strong enough and older (1-2 weeks), mow the green manure and mulch the soil in between rows of the same beds. This method is often practiced in the cultivation of potatoes. In terms of moisture retention and high soil aeration, tubers grow well and produce high yields. For these purposes phacelia planted in the garden: the tree trunks of fruit trees or berry bushes.
A versatile plant, phacelia, is a valuable forage crop used for animal feed. Nutritionally green mass phacelia superior to vetch-oat and other feed mixtures for Pets.