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How to choose the artificial stone countertop

Offer type: salePublished: 30.03.2015
Seller:Igor' Vasil'evich
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv
All manufacturers of artificial stone using the same manufacturing technology whether STARON(APP) or COREAN(KOREAN), MONTELLI(MONTELLI) or BIENSTONE(BENSTON), POLYSTONE (POLYSTAR)or TriStone(Triton). The composition of the material includes acrylic resin, aluminum trihydrate (white clay) and mineral fillers, allows you to make the stone of various colors, to get them closer to the colors of natural stone. So in terms of their physical and chemical properties is not different. In the manufacture of products and further exploitation acrylic artificial stone from different manufacturers behaves the same way. The question arises - why the cost of one and the same product from a different manufacturer of artificial stone is significantly different? Each brand has their pricing policy. The most economical is MONTELLI(MONTELLI) or BIENSTONE(BENSTON), but this does not mean that it is bad stuff. Just colors it is not so widely represented, like other manufacturers. Each manufacturer also has a different price categories: artificial stone depending on the color and structural characteristics of the material. Manufacturers of artificial stone is recommended to apply the product thickness 12 mm for kitchen countertops, and other products having a frame basis, and 6mm thicknesses are recommended for products with for wall cladding is applied thickness 6 mm material. It is lighter than the others and at the wall covering is practically under no load. Dial us - and we quickly calculate your cost of your order, we will pick up a stone at your request, send to the object by the wizard for the control measurement, qualitatively and in time manufacture, deliver and install products of any complexity.