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Attract all kinds of banking instruments

Offer type: servicesPublished: 20.08.2013
Seller:Nikitina Angelina Borisovna
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Attract all kinds of banking instruments:
Bank guarantee(Bank Guarantee), standby letter of credit(SBLC), documentary letters of credit(DLC/LC), proof of funds(POF), Bank confirmation letters(BCL), guarantees performances(PB), certificates of Deposit(CD), used in international practice from the world's leading banks:HSBC, BNP Paribas, Standard Chartered, Chase Manhattan Bank, TD Bank and others.
The advantages provided by us Bank instruments:
consideration of an application for the adoption of decisions(2-3 business days);
- discusses options without collateral and guarantees from third parties;
- flexible forms of payment for the provision of banking instruments;
- we do not require the provision of financial and economic indicators and the balance sheets of enterprises Customers;
Angelina Nikitin, financial Manager USTGG Invest (Moscow/Kyiv/London/Vancouver/Sydney)