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Meat processing equipment used

Offer type: salePublished: 01.08.2014
Seller:Snabteh Boris
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Podol'sk
Sell meat processing equipment used:
The syringe vacuum Konti E 80, 2008 - RUB 850000
Micrometer Emulsifier INOTEC (Germany) 2006 - 700000 RUB
Double chamber vacuum sealer (Germany) - 160000 RUB
The heat chamber with Euroroma NRT (USA)2000, 2 pieces - 650000 RUB/pieces
The heat chamber dograma Euroroma (Obninsk), 2005 - 650000 RUB
The heat chamber with Euroroma NESS - 600000 roubles
The top corner K+G Wetter(Germany)130, 1999 - RUB 450000
Clipper KN-23 M, 2004 - 170000 RUB
Cutter LFQB - 190000 RUB
Hot buffet - 35000 rubles
Clipper manual, 2012 - 45000 rubles
Lifts under the cart - 2 pieces - 50000 rubles
Injector NK 27, 2002 - 250000 RUB