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Very profitably sold two buildings under the car business

Offer type: salePublished: 07.08.2014
Seller:Andrej Il'ich Osman
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Address:Russian Federation, Leningradskaya Oblast', Saint-Petersburg
Sold two detached buildings located in Strelna settlement on Front street (Federal highway), plus the earth. Commercial property.
The area of the first building 149,8 m2. Two floors, brick walls. Interior trim, ventilation.
The area of the first floor of 110m2, is used for the parts store. On the second floor of the four office office furniture, office equipment, PBX. Air conditioning, fire alarm system, connection to the mountains. water supply and Sewerage, electricity 20 KW.
The area of the second building 256,9 m2. One floor. The height of 4.1 m Brick wall. Was used as a garage, now a warehouse. Exterior finish - galvanized profile.
Plot 964 m2, rent for 49 years. Possible redemption. Adjacent building ired No. 2. Will help you to get a loan!