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Vegetables new crop!

Offer type: salePublished: 08.08.2014
Seller:KFH Agrokompleks BigTajm
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Address:Russian Federation, Krasnodarskiy Kray, Krasnodar
KFH Agrocomplex Bigtim offers fresh vegetables and fruits.
Vegetables and fruits sold by the company are fully compliant with all the standards of GOST, which is confirmed by all necessary declarations and certificates.
Attention! Action!
Discount on bordieu set (potatoes, onions, carrots, beets, cabbage) - 10%,
when buying a lot of goods involved in the action (eggplant, tomatoes, peppers):
Tomato (pink) (5 caliber, party 19000, FAS. 8 kg, firms/ box) - 38,60 RUB
Tomato (red) (party 19000, FAS. 8 kg, firms/ box) - 25,10 RUB
Tomato (plum) (party 19000, FAS. 8 kg, firms/ box) - 23,10 RUB
Peppers (party 11500, FAS. 5 kg, firms/ box) - 28,20 RUB
Eggplant (party 17000, FAS. 4 kg, firms/ box) - 27,00 RUB