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Meat wholesale

Offer type: salePublished: 15.08.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
In a chilled condition. Carcasses, half-carcasses, quarters.
Bulls, buffaloes, yaks, cattle
Beef top grade (marble) - 257 RUB/kg
Beef 1 category (carcass) - 247 RUB/kg
Beef 2 categories - 227 RUB/kg
The cowshed. Lolitas weight up to 200 kg
Higher fatness - 192 RUB/kg
Average fatness - 182 RUB/kg
Average fatness and lower-middle - 160 RUB/kg
Calves Podlaski - 227-232 RUB/kg
Lambs by Delboy (rump) - 287 RUB/kg
Lambs Kalmyk, Merino - 307 RUB/kg
Sheep up to 25 kg - 257 RUB/kg
Products we offer refers to organic food. Fabricated from chilled meat of domestic production, raise cattle on Alpine meadows Arkhyz valley.
Price, rubles: 160
Currency: Rubles