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Invite partner - Playground 2H - 5km from Minsk

Offer type: otherPublished: 19.08.2014
Seller:Ivanov Aleksandr
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Address:Republic of Belarus, Minsk
There are two areas 5km. from Minsk in long-term lease with right of renewal
SITE No. 1 by 2016
CV.m., fence, lighting, asphalt
SITE No. 2 to 2018
CV.m., concrete floor, electricity
Both sites are within 5 km from Minsk in the forest, good road access, security. In close proximity rustic café, sauna, camping, paintball, quads, as well as sawmill and manufacturing of monuments.
- vehicles
- storage of shipping containers and trailers
- storage and sale of various materials
- manufacture of trailers and various metal
manufacture of log cabins and various wooden structures
- construction of warehouses and the surrender of their lease
- the activity in sphere of rest and entertainments