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Kit magnetic compensators MS-1

Offer type: salePublished: 22.08.2014
Seller:Sharapov Aleksej
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Address:Russian Federation, Saratovskaya Oblast', Saratov
Kit magnetic compensators MS-1 is designed to eliminate the effect of magnetic blast method for creating a magnetic field compensating the residual magnetism of the product. The kit is used, it is possible in any climate, on steel pipelines. Using the set of possible on any thickness of metal in the welding of pipes and sheet metal. Use in the welding of pipes with a diameter of 60 mm, upper chapel unlimited.
Magnetic system............2 PCs
Bag shipping 1 piece...
Magnetic system.......(Sold separately Qty on request)
Magnetometer..............(Sold separately - Qty on request)
Power consumption: CONSUMES NO
The demagnetization mode: compensation.
The weight of the set (2 pieces): not more than 15 kg
Preparing for work: not required.
Does not require power. Able to work offline 15 years.
The lower temperature range is limited by the ability of the welder.
The highest temperature is 100 degrees.
During operation weakens the magnetic field.
Solution: Re-magnetization (the number of cycles is not limited).
In case of mechanical damage and the inability subsequent repair: Exchange for a new one with 50% discount.
Transportation and storage is carried out in any convenient place. Perhaps the very mounting on metal surfaces.
Installation in the workplace does not require special manufacturing operations. The kit allows you to operate two welders. In the presence of additional systems, the number of welders is not limited
Installation service special training is required.