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For sale stone quarry

Offer type: salePublished: 26.08.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Rostov oblast'
Location - the southern Federal district, Rostov region, Kamensky district, the metro Samalova. Remoteness from the Federal highway M4 - 10 km, railway line (stub) 3 km, good access. Land uchastka - 70 ha with two mining claims in the property. Proven reserves 3 500 000 cubic meters of extension Possible reserves. There is infrastructure for living and work: administrative town, dining room, warehouses, workshops, roads, shipping Playground, gas station, some of the equipment. Mark rubble M1200 type. License - 2014 renewals. Useful stratum - 9-15m, the overburden is 0 to 3.5 m Without crushing and screening equipment.