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Items for the interior of the horns of deer, elk, ROE deer

Offer type: salePublished: 27.08.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Leningradskaya Oblast', Saint-Petersburg
Good day!
My name is Sergey, I am the General Director of the private workshop, St. Petersburg.
Want to offer to your attention our products are hand made from the horns of reindeer, elk, deer and antelope.
This is a unique and exclusive product and there is no not one!
Our products are:
- chandeliers
- lamps
- sconce
- clocks and mirrors
and much more!
So the same can be manufactured to order!
Our products will become indispensable in the construction of Your home, bath, restaurant, or office in a hunting style, and will fit with such furniture, as well as bone trophy animals on the medallion.
Each of our product is made with soul and love for this unique and unrepeatable!
You can view all our work in the group in VK or call us.
Price, rubles: 30000
Currency: Rubles