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Sell ready business in Moscow

Offer type: salePublished: 28.08.2014
Seller:Strizhko Evgenij
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Sell existing business in Moscow!
The Commission only to the Seller. The fee for transactions paid by the Seller.
- Free registration of the legal entity (if necessary). When buying business through our company we undertake all expenses (except notaries) associated with re-registration of necessary documents.
On our site you will always be able to find a few, the most suitable for you, suggestions. If the available options are not enough, or they do not suit you, you can send us your application, to find a Business to buy, by mail, or you can leave it with the Manager by phone. When you see a suitable option, we will immediately notify you.
We try to give the most complete information about the object, to save time of our clients to view businesses, which they obviously are not suitable for any reason. The advertisement listed mobile phones, so the Buyer can contact us at any convenient time, including evenings and weekends.
All employees know "from" and "to" the procedure of sale of Business.