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The seeds of fazeley honey

Offer type: salePublished: 28.08.2014
Seller:Kirichenko Aleksandr Alekseevich
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Address:Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', P”yatykhatky
Seeds can be purchased from us, in Kharkov (on phone 0979149114 Irina) and, in piatykhatky (Dnipropetrovsk region) or at the Department of "New mail", "Intime". Contact El. address:
Seeds melliferous herbs.California Bluebell
Bees like to visit fazeley and remain on it from early morning until late at night. It is, perhaps, only after raspberry plant, which can be observed bees even after sunset.
Usually the seeds of fazeley sprout eight days after sowing, and in dry weather - two weeks. Plants of fazeley rapidly growing, well wetwatsan after 30-50 days after sowing, the plants begin to flower. Within 10-15 days flowers are revealed gradually, and then about a month lasts mass flowering. Flowers at fazeley blue, bell-funnel-shaped form, collected in inflorescence-curls.
Contact, piatykhatky phone number 0974908271, 0677748627, 0960041346 and, Kharkov 0979149114 (Irina)