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BTA - Provt (EProfit)

Offer type: salePublished: 03.08.2015

Bacterial sourdough Provt. BTA - Provt: Reduces cholesterol, it is Recommended for baby food, Normalizes the microflora with disbacteriozah

Bacterial culture BTA-Prout contains probiotic strains lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria, which are characterized by a high antagonistic activity against the causative agents of intestinal infections. Use fermented milk product on the basis of this ferment reduces symptoms of chronic intoxication, stimulates intestinal motility, reduces the level of cholesterol, normalizes the microflora and the intestinal activity in dysbacterioses, stimulates immunity.

Dairy products prepared at home, personally, savor the best, because you use fresh high quality product. The Institute of food resources ensures a good mood after each glass BTA - Prout.