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Acetic (Ottawa acid) 99% in cans,barrels,cubes,filling

Offer type: salePublished: 19.08.2016
Seller:Bets' Yuliya
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Address:Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Dnipropetrovsk

Sell acid acetic 99%

In barrels 50L at 57\58kg, 10l in canisters for 11 kg canister 30L at 25,2 kg

 At t +15S kristallizuetsya

Acetic acid is a synthetic product of the fermentation of carbohydrates and alcohols as well as the natural souring of dry grape wine. Taking part in the process of metabolism in the human body, this acid is food additive used for marinades and conservation.

Derivatives of acids are vinegar - 3-9%, and vinegar essence - 70-80%. Esters and salts of acetic acid are called acetates. As part vinegar, which was used by every housewife, include ascorbic, lactic, malic and acetic acid. Each year the world produces nearly 5 million tons acetic acid.

From anhydrous acetic acid melting point of 16.6 degrees. With (i.e. , almost room temperature) , and then it goes into crystalline in appearance (not smell) is very similar to a piece of ordinary ice.
However, unlike water, it does not break the dishes, since its density is not abnormal, as in ice.
Accordingly, there is a method of freezing: merging with similar "frozen" acetic acid, the liquid fraction, get more high concentrations in the solid form.
I.e. , "ice" acetic acid is called acetic acid turning into the ice about 16.6 degrees. With that is a measure of its of dehydration.