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Wheat Orica elite Kharkov

Offer type: salePublished: 02.08.2017
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Address:Ukraine, Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Kharkiv

Seed farms in the Kharkiv region.

Originator: Institute Of Phys. and Gene. Kiev

High yielding variety of wheat - awnless-type


Plant height - medium


Resistant to germination in the ear and lodging

 Resistance to disease Erica: Resistant to suffer from mildew and brown leaf rust

Cold Resistance: High.

Drought and heat resistant variety is Erica.

  The variety best adapted to dryland growing conditions, high yielding, intensive type.

Agrotechnical requirements: the variety must be grown by intensive technology with the introduction of optimal doses of mineral fertilizers.

To ensure high yields of grain necessary to carry out protection of plants from pests and diseases, especially after the ejection of the spike, the type of fungicide Alto super, Falcon or Folicur. With the aim of obtaining high quality grain necessary to hold a third feeding dry nitrogen tuks or foliar feeding of urea N10-15 kg ha at the heading stage of lactic ripeness

Grade Erica zoned under the Steppe and forest-Steppe

 Milling and baking properties are excellent. Grain Oriki contains 14,5-15,0% proteins, 30,1-34.3% of wet gluten, flour strength 389-432 EA. the volume of bread from 100 g of flour 1250-1450 ml General assessment of the baking properties of 8,8-9,0 points. Belongs to the strong wheat.

  The seeding rate of 4.5-5.5 million similar grains per 1 ha, depending on area and humidity.