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Beer snacks fish and chips in bulk from Baltic Trading House

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Company:'TD Baltika', OOO
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv
Trading House Baltica offers from a warehouse in Kiev wholesale beer snacks fish and chips in a wide range: carcass steers salted-dried, cured and smoked, carcass steers cured with pepper and exotic spices, Fillet bulls salted, dried flounder carcass dried, tuna fish without the skin, cake, amber, pepper, cod, needle fish, piranha, fish, horse, crystal, eel, catfish, bream butterfly, salmon, pink salmon, tuna and other
All products are of high quality, certified and meets all established standards.
Competitive prices and flexible system of discounts! Wholesale party supplies!
Shipping products throughout Ukraine courier services (New mail, Delivery, Autolux, Gunsel, Night Express, SAT and others).
Fish beer, fish chips, fish cured in bulk from the manufacturer! Manufacturer: LLC "Trade House Baltika", Kiev, Ukraine.