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Sell garlic planting a variety Lyubasha the price is negotiable.

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
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Address:Ukraine, Zhytomyrs'ka Oblast', Zhytomyr
Sell garlic planting, will sell garlic on landing will sell garlic variety Lyubasha wholesale and difference clove, odrazovka, balloons, first reproduction, which were grown for further osadciw balloon IDO formed heads of garlic Lyubasha technology met all terminator, care and cleaning preparing for landing. The size of formed heads of garlic ripen up to 100 grams will provide the technology of cultivation of garlic, remedies garlic from diseases and pests and fertilizer which will provide a good and stable yields of winter garlic. (keep in mind that garlic is adapted to wintering 100% as it was grown in the North of Ukraine. Shipping carrier New mail on all territory of Ukraine. Phone to order 0974902002 the price is negotiable !!!