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The ink jet printer Z640 Zanasi high resolution HD

Offer type: salePublished: 18.01.2017
Company:Manuli Ukrayina
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Address:Kyiv, Ukraine

Marking the high-resolution printer for nanesennya service information (logos, bar codes and so on) in on-line mode.

Completely eliminates the need for tagging!!!

High-tech model with the print heads on phytoceramides processes and management system based on Windows XP.

Easy creation and editing of text and picture messages maximum quality (logos, barcodes, etc), loading of external information via USB or Ethernet.

Main features:
• Easy to create messages with a new editor;
• Intuitive display and touch screen LCD 12.1” SVGA (800x600);
• Save print settings within a single message;
• The count is printed messages;
• Count the number of pieces for each product;
• Password access to the system;
• Ability to interact with other equipment production;
• Built-in operating system Windows XP.

Fast installation, easy maintenance.