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The heat source (heater) not expensive to otrabotana oil

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Price:30 000 UAH
Company:OOO "TD Ukrstal'"
Seller:Maksim Anatol'evich
Phones: Write a message
Address:Kyiv, Ukraine
Sell halogenerator (heater) Model Thermobile at 500 . Model Thermobile AT500 have a closed combustion chamber and a fan for fresh air intake for combustion. This fan can be connected to the outside air, which allows not to use the air for the combustion process, providing a safe and clean combustion.
Model AT500 have a powerful axial fan. High efficiency stoves AT500 is achieved using the internal heat exchanger with a large surface through which pass all the gases before entering the chimney. The fan sucks air from the room through the heat exchanger and the combustion chamber and delivers the already heated air, ensuring its continuous circulation.
To model AT500, you can join the room thermostat. The thermostat automatically maintains desired temperature by adjusting the flow of the fuel pump. The kit includes a 5 m cable.
· The temperature of the outlet air of 50 to 70°C.
· Built-in tank for daily dressing.
· Type of combustion - evaporation.
· The period of operation without maintenance 12-14 hours.
· Daily service from 5 to 10 minutes