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Fitokontsentrat Phlebotonics

Offer type: salePublished: 01.09.2013
Seller:Shpakovskij Vladimir
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
Fitokontsentrat Phlebotonics
Natural herbal medicine for prevention of thrombophlebitis and varicose veins, and to treat these diseases and their consequences
Fitokontsentrat "Phlebotonics" is recommended when:
- phlebitis, thrombophlebitis;
- varicose veins of the lower extremities, esophagus, spermatic cord, pelvic, etc;
- hemorrhoids;
- trophic ulcers of the lower extremities;
- vascular asterisks;
- for prevention of postoperative blood clots;
- post-traumatic swelling;
- congestive prostatitis.
Composition: aqueous alcoholic extracts of medicinal plants orange (peel), willow, Horse chestnut common plantain.
Components fitokontsentrata reduce inflammation of the veins, improve the tone of the veins and the work of the venous valves prevent the occurrence of thrombosis (due to anticoagulant properties), strengthen capillary walls and have a positive effect on microcirculation.
Recommended the use of a balanced diet, limit fatty foods, sugar, sweets, alcohol.
In the case of non-compliance with recommendations regarding diet, the effect is reduced.
How to use:
Adults take fitokontsentrat "PHLEBOTONICS" 20-30 drops per tablespoon of water 30 minutes Before meals 3 times a day. Before use a vial should be shaken.
Period of use: up to 1 month.
Precautions: individual intolerance to the components.
Packing: 50ml Bottle.
Producer: JSC "Biolik"