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System compressed air.

Offer type: salePublished: 01.09.2013
Seller:Kostko Konstantin
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Address:Ukraine, L'vivs'ka Oblast', Drohobych
"Galacteros offers its clients comprehensive solutions in the industry systems provide compressed air, as well as any products: main filters (Filters high pressure PureTec HEF&F; Filters low pressure PureTec HEF&B), dryers (Series DryXtreme, DryPlus, DryPro, HPDry, DryPower VarioTwin, DryPower, DryEnergy Hibrid, Marco Polo) and services, which cover the main areas of activity of the company:
-Design and installation of pneumogastric, including modernization;
-Sale of pneumatic tools and accessories;
Sales of pneumatic oil;
Service and warranty service.
Call us right now and we will offer You the most effective and economical at the same time the solution to Your problem!