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redness of the face, treatment of redness on the face-Z8

Offer type: salePublished: 17.09.2013
Seller:tyan sonya
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redness of the face, treatment of redness on the face-Z8
Telangiectasia is “spider veins” and “spider veins” that are visible on the skin with the naked eye. The normal diameter of the blood vessels located in the skin, about 20 microns. Advanced vessels with a diameter of 100 microns (0.1 mm) and larger form telangiectasia.
1. Facial vascular removal: remove linear vascular, web of red blood vascular in different depths, flat or ledge cherry vascular tumor, and so forth.
2. Benign proliferative removal: remove flat warts, particles of fat, hybrid mol, and so on;
3. Speckle removal: teardrop-shaped pigmentation, and so on.