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The gauges MTC 1Kgs/sm 2.Pressure gauges, vacuum gauges MTC

Offer type: salePublished: 01.03.2015
Seller:Sergej Paseka Dmitrievich
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The devices are designed for measurement of gauge and vacuum constant and variable pressure.

The devices are designed for measurement of gauge and vacuum constant and variable pressure is not crystallized at operating temperatures of liquids and gases, neutral copper alloys, as well as to measure the pressure of the sea water up to 6 MPa (60 kgf/cm2) under conditions of vibration and tilt.
The devices are designed to work in conditions normalized to the type of climatic performance NF4.2
Devices are shock-proof, earthquake-proof, water-resistant.
Measured environments can be oxygen and brand halon.
The dial is covered with a phosphorescent composition of the interim action.