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Sell candle wax wholesale

Offer type: salePublished: 01.04.2015
Company:TM 'MEDOK'
Seller:Ryibal Dmitrij
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Address:Ukraine, Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Kharkiv
Sell Church wax candles wholesale.
Handcrafted in old Church technology
exclusively from natural beeswax.
The candles contain no paraffin, don't smoke and don't do that.
Consecrated, are sold in 28 of 31 churches and temples in the city of Kharkov.
Have a very pleasant aroma
Price: candle No. 100 - UAH 0.6
candle No. 60 - 1 UAH
candle No. 20 - UAH 3.4
(066) 889-51-38
(098) 208-31-80
(097) 922-03-33