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Policeacademy mechanism ZL-1a

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Seller:Andrej Brevko
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv

Policeacademy the mechanism ZL-1a is in stock.


ZL-1a - this manual policeacademy machine for thin steel, designed for the manufacture of drain pipes.

Clamp rollers in operating position by a single movement of the handle.

Durable welded frame provides stability and reliability of the machine.

Top the clip has a hole for the core, through which the fixing fold the edges of the pipe.

Brings folds made on the bending machine, rollers and fullcapacity machines.

Technical characteristics ZL-1a:

Manufacturer BRI Swarcove.

Country manufacturer Czech Republic.

Manual drive type.

The thickness of the metal (400 N/mm2), 0.8 mm

Min. the workpiece diameter 80 mm

Mach. workpiece length 2000 mm

Departure rollers 1000 mm

Weight machine for precipitation rebate 80 kg

The thickness of the metal (400 N/mm2) - 0.8 mm