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Solid fuel boilers HEIZTECHNIK Q NT PLUS

Offer type: salePublished: 27.02.2015
Company:magazin "Teplo"
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Address:Ukraine, Vinnytsia Oblast', Vinnytsya

Boiler series HEIZTECHNIK Q NT PLUS is a modern solid fuel boiler designed for burning coal and wood using chimney range. Used for heating houses and other buildings, an area of from 30 to 300 m2.


The boiler body is made with the use of new technologies of metal processing, namely from certified steel, of a thickness of 5 mm Boiler possesses good thermal insulation from mineral and organic cotton, which does not support combustion. The combustion process is optimal fixed amount of air that moves through the holes. Air regulation can be performed manually by the method returning the adjusting bolt on the door or automatic way, using a mechanical regulator.