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We invite investors in profitable real estate

Offer type: servicesPublished: 03.09.2014
Seller:Natal'ya Evgen'evna
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Address:Russian Federation, Leningradskaya Oblast', Tikhvin
Invite co-investors and partners to participate in the implementation of the SU "LenOblast-T" the project of construction of brick houses with a high comfort with built-in commercial areas, the Tikhvin, Leningrad region. Commercial real estate in the region is an attractive alternative for investors due to low investment threshold input while maintaining payments from tenants at the level of some districts of St. Petersburg. Investment attractiveness due to the location of the object in the historical part of the city with high traffic of tourists, pilgrims, guests arriving for business purposes. At the same time, there is insufficient provision of quality hotel Fund, apartments and flats for rent, rooms for trade, services, etc.