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sell hotel business in Krasnodar Krai

Offer type: salePublished: 05.09.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Krasnodarskiy Kray, Apsheronsk
The total area of 600 square meters, two two-storey house + one 1 bedroom apartment, bath (chopped wood),gym and fitness room, massage and SPA rooms, terrace, attic, garden, artificial pond (fish - carp, carp, frogs, turtles, aquatic plants - lilies, algae and so on) Foothills, 80 km from the sea, resort area, 40 km from Haskovo gorge, 7 km from the wild baths of young oil and the pool of thermal water. In the district there are many lakes and rivers. It is possible for residential or under the hotel business. Details by phone. The bargain.