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Palm, peanut, cottonseed oil (refined and not refined);

Offer type: salePublished: 12.09.2014
Seller:ukrazcam OOO "UKR.AZ.KAM."
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
ITC LLC "UKR.AZ.KAM.", as the exclusive representative producers of traditional African raw materials of the Republic of Cameroon, offers You a direct wholesale supply:
Palm, peanut, cottonseed oil (refined and not refined)
Terms of delivery - FOB and CFR.
Minimum delivery - 19 tone.
Price - on request.
We Express interest in a full production cycle, consider creating a joint brands, industries and regional offices.
Detailed information:
Tel: +38 093 607 56 16
Tel: +38 096 234 23 12