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Offer type: salePublished: 12.09.2014
Seller:ukrazcam OOO "UKR.AZ.KAM."
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
ITC LLC "UKR.AZ.KAM.", as the exclusive supplier of exotic wood from the Republic of Cameroon, offers You a direct WHOLESALE supplies lumber and veneer 34 kinds of valuable breeds of wood (edged Board, bar):
The core of this tree has a red - purple color with dark veins. The sapwood is lighter in tone. The wood is hard and heavy. Texture is fine. Can occur resin bags; they degrade and veneer, and wood. There are boobingo smooth, boobingo striped and boobingo the broom, the latter is considered the most popular variety at present. Often called "African rosewood" because of the characteristic color and structure. The wood is suitable for any kind of polishing and staining. It is not recommended the use of varnishes, adhesives, primers and water based. Raw wood is blue when in contact with metal. The wood should be carefully and slowly dried to prevent splitting.
High quality architectural woodworking and mass production of furniture, panels and manufacturing of parquet. Also suitable for musical instruments. When planing wood and veneer finish called "boobingo" (bubinga), peeling (it gives a slightly different pattern veneer) -"kevazingo" (kevasingo).
Drying - AD
Humidity - 10% ± 2%
Terms of delivery - FOB and CFR.
Minimum delivery is 19 cubic meters.
Price - on request, is formed from the scope and dimensions of wood.
Our company is interested in cooperation with companies (parquet, Windows, doors, furniture, staircases, high-quality joinery, decoration items, construction), the creation of a joint venture in the Republic of Cameroon for the full cycle of processing and production of wood.
Detailed information:
Tel: +38 093 607 56 16
Tel: +38 096 234 23 12