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Valuable breeds of a tree BIBLE (BIBOLO)

Offer type: salePublished: 12.09.2014
Seller:ukrazcam OOO "UKR.AZ.KAM."
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
ITC LLC "UKR.AZ.KAM.", as the exclusive supplier of exotic wood from the Republic of Cameroon, offers You a direct WHOLESALE supplies lumber and veneer 34 kinds of valuable breeds of wood (edged Board, bar):
Has the wood is Golden brown with dark streaks, which this breed has received a trading name of African walnut (that is, African walnut tree). Actually, this breed does not apply to a nut tree, and got nazvanie due to the specific structure of the wood. Planed surface of the array Bible glitters. The sapwood of the tree is quite narrow, yellow-brown, clearly separated from the core, although sometimes there is a narrow transition zone. Bible belongs to the group of African mahogany, is largely similar to that tree. Fiber breed confusing-svilevatyh having a striped pattern on the radial incisions. The density of the rocks in the dry - about 560 kg/m3.
Wood biblo well handled mostly hand tools and woodworking machines, but due to the coupling of the fibers arise burrs on the radial surfaces so that the cutting angle should be done 15°. To avoid tearing of the fibers lathe manual processing should be performed carefully and with the use of sharpened incisors. When drilling also need a sharp drill bit, otherwise at the bottom of nests occurs separation of fibers. The wood is easily bent nails, but can split. Grinding and pohovka allow you to achieve excellent surface finishes. When using parsipanny can get a high quality finish.
apply Bible in the furniture and Redwood production, manufacture elite billiard tables, panel finish (boiserie), in the production of veneer.
Drying - AD
Humidity - 10% ± 2%
Terms of delivery - FOB and CFR.
Minimum delivery is 19 cubic meters.
Price - on request, is formed from the scope and dimensions of wood.
Our company is interested in cooperation with companies (parquet, Windows, doors, furniture, staircases, high-quality joinery, decoration items, construction), the creation of a joint venture in the Republic of Cameroon for the full cycle of processing and production of wood.
Detailed information:
Tel: +38 093 607 56 16
Tel: +38 096 234 23 12