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Practical training on New equipment sales

Offer type: servicesPublished: 22.09.2014
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Address:Russian Federation, Nizhegorodskaya Oblast', Nizhny Novgorod
The seminar-training.
"New equipment sales
In the program:
What is the main obstacle to success in sales?
The new rules of the competitive market and how they operate now?
As the position of the winner?
New equipment sales - 5 precise steps.
The successful actions of professionals in sales.
Effective technique of handling objections.
The technique of completion of the transaction, which is used by Champions.
How to make the client has bought himself?
When to start hard negotiations and not to lose the client?
Why "no" is the beginning of negotiations in sales, and not the end?
How to properly plan deals?
Want to increase your sales sign up without delay!