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The discovery LLC, entrepreneur, business protection, tax cuts

Offer type: servicesPublished: 26.09.2014
Seller:Dabaev Bato Ayurovich
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Advice on legal, tax, accounting small business throughout Russia. Online support! The first consultation is free!
The most popular services
1) "Business-start" complex consultations and services
Choosing between an LLC or FE, Preparation of package of documents for registration
An informed choice of the tax system
How to choose NACE
The opening of the online store. Instruction
Contracts for business
Order a free consultation on the website
2) "Business protection" complex consultations and services
To avoid fines, penalties
Sale on the Internet. Protection from bad clients
Registration service
The tax inspection, pension Fund, social insurance: to avoid, to prevent, to "fight back"
How not to pay taxes?
Design and easy dismissal of employees
Order a free consultation on the website