Hot new model mink fur poncho large size. In our time is not just enough to be the owner of a mink coat. Girls tend to choose the original model, which will emphasize their individuality. And if you are tired of searching the most coats we recommend to check our online store. Here You will find the mink coat and lowest price.
We are waiting for You in our show-room in Kharkiv on Sunday from 11.00 to 18.00 or visit our website where you can see all models in stock, or another day by appointment of the consultants. All information can be obtained from consultants on the phone (viber, WhatsApp, Telegram).
Sending parcels to all regions of Ukraine and in other countries.
All detailed information on the availability of models, prices, additional photos can be viewed on our website or via telephone (viber, WhatsApp, Telegram).
Hot new model mink fur poncho large size. In our time, not enough to be the owner of a mink coat. Girls tend to choose the original model, which will emphasize their individuality. And if you are tired of searching the coat we recommend to check our online store. Here You will find the most norcous coat and lowest price.
On the official website of the store You can find the latest information on available models and their price.
Kharkiv citizens and city guests are welcome to our showroom , opening hours : from 11.00 to 18.00 at the address: Shevchenko St. 142 or any other day by appointment
Ordered goods sent to any city of Ukraine delivery.