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Patial root. P. white (PayPal)

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Seller:Chastnyij Predprinimatel'
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Address:Ukraine, Zhytomyrs'ka Oblast', Zhytomyr
P. WHITE (Potentilla album L.) is a perennial plant of the Rosaceae family with a well-developed rhizome and roots. Flowers consist of 5 white petals, one can see them until late fall. Leaves 5-6-palmate. Plant winter-hardy. Medicinal value have rhizomes with roots and above-ground mass (grass). Range of applications cinquefoil white in folk medicine is quite wide. Additional readings: endemic goiter (nodular, diffuse, mixed), hypertension, peptic ulcer, gout, rheumatism, colitis, dysentery and other diseases that are accompanied by diarrhea.