Time relay, voltage pulse counters, Tahoe
Offer type: salePublished: 01.03.2015
Switch phases automatic PEF-301.
Relay single-phase voltage, three-phase RNPP-301 (311,311 M), PH-101 (101,111, M) ,PH-112,PH-102,RNPP-302, ILV, RKF.
Time relay channel, circular, three-circuit, inrush, odnokorennye, multifunction REV-201,REV-201M,VBOs, RV, RWPs, rvac.
Pulse counters, tachometers, counters hours SIM hours.
Timers, daily, weekly PH TM, APR timers REV-302, stair switch ROL-1.
Thermistor protection RT-M01.
The photo relay FR-1.
Thermal relay TR-M01, temperature relay TR-100.
Device surge protection (protection against high/ low voltage) USM-50, OSM-51.
Block protection elektrodvigatel operation-301, operation-302.
The optical sensors VICO.