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Branded clothing from Spain

Offer type: salePublished: 30.03.2015
Phones: Write a message
Address:Spain, Barcelona

Branded clothing from Spain under the order: Zara, Bershka, Stradivarius, Massimo Dutti, Pull and Beer, Armani, Mango, Oysho, Venca, and others.

You want to buy goods in the best shops Spain from the comfort of your own home? - We are ready to provide You with this opportunity - shopping in Spain!

For anybody not a secret that cheating in stores and so to say "boutiques" in the CIS countries reach 100 or 200 percent. It includes all the taxes, and the desire to earn good money on the consumers. And not the fact that buying in super trendy "boutique", You slipped a fake.

Making order for goods on our website - You pay only for shipping and liked the product, and a small percentage. Even with the shipping costs and our fees of the Chosen goods will be cheaper than in your city, and You'll know for sure that Your purchased item is original and absolute quality.

As to the price of Spanish brands in Spain, they are lower than European countries. Buying a brand ZARA, even with the shipping You pay the same price as if I bought the same thing, living in Germany.

Generally, the prices in the online shop are much cheaper. And when purchasing a product on branded sites, you are insured against counterfeiting.

Spanish online stores, this quality combined with the price, designed for any consumer. Buy products in Spain, you will buy 100% quality clothing.
How to order shipping things from Spain
  • Specify a reference to the selected item
  • Specify the name of things
  • Specify size and color
  • Specify the currency of payment
  • ========================================================
    The cost and payment of goods from Spain
    In the price of the package includes:
    1. Cost of goods + shipping within Spain.
    2. The Commission is 8% (of the cost of the item + shipping to Spain). The minimum fee is 8 Euro
      - For orders over 300 EUR the Commission is 5%.
    3. Shipping costs (recognized already in the mail).
    4. Bank fees are at the buyer's expense.
    Unfortunately mail Spain does not provide for CIS service delivery cash on delivery". Therefore, payment is made in two stages:
    1. 100% advance payment (goods + shipping Spain+Commission).
    2. Shipping charges - after the arrival of the parcel from the store and clarify the shipment.
    Can also peredavat bought goods in Ukraine private beads.
    Payment is made in any convenient way:

    1. Through the system - receive payment in UAH, EUR, USD.
    2. Any Bank of Ukraine on our VISA card: your Bank's fee + 0% input.
    3. Through any cash Privat or through the payment terminal.
    4. Through Internet banking Privat PRIVAT24.UA in dollars, UAH or EUR (card (Visa or Mastercard REQUIRED)