LLC E-Lectra" provider of cabling and wiring products
Price: | negotiated |
Company: | E-lectra |
Seller: | ![]() |
Phones: | ![]() 0978075501 Show phone |
Address: | Ukraine, Kyiv |
LLC E-Lectra" provider of cabling and wiring products, panel, electrical equipment, lighting, construction and finishing materials. Offer complete construction materials and equipment construction and industrial enterprises of any complexity. Wide range, reasonable prices, high quality and efficient processing of applications do our with Your cooperation is mutually beneficial, successful and attractive.
Today the range company"E-Lectra has more than 2000 items of products. Products meet all requirements quality and has a certificate UkrSEPRO.
- cable Webbbs 6 kV, Auavbbsb 6 kV, Vbbshv, Avbbshv, KGNW, KG, Vvhnh, Wggd, Vugs,
- AVVG, Avugm, KGW, KVVG, Cwgg, Vvgngd, KVVGE, Kumgang, Qubsu, Vbswg,CGAS, CAGUAS, acwg, Vvhnh-P, Wggd-P, Vvhnh (3rd class), Vvhnh-P (3rd class),NHXH FE180/E30, NHXH FE180/E90, J-Y(ST)Y, JE-H(St) E30, JE-H(St) E90, RG 59,RG-11, RG-6, CCTV, LIYY, LIYCY, LIY(St)CY, UTP, FTP, and others;
- wire PV 1, PV 3, PVA, Psng, PsgD, RO 3 APG, Svvp, SIP, etc;
- the corrugated pipe, metal hose, metal trays, circuit breakers, panels, boxes installation and distribution, cable connectors, lugs, tape it. p.
OJSC Factory "Donbaskabel" , Donetsk
- JSC Odesa cable plant "Odeskabel" , Odessa
- JSC "Zaporozhye cable plant" , Zaporozhye
- JSC "PP "Atweel" , Berdyansk
OJSC Factory "Uzkabel" , Kharkiv
- CJSC "ABAC Of Ukraine" ,Kyiv
- DP "System cable routing" , Kramatorsk
- JSC "Khmelnitsky plant transformer substations" , Khmelnytsky
- Moeller
- Legrand
Our engineers will select the equipment, will recommend the distribution system, accounting, backup power supply, and control devices for domestic and industrial purposes, for reliable, uninterrupted and effective use from the "low" part of the substations to networks local consumption
- Distribution panels 0,4 kV series RU
- Automatic switching on the device AVR
- Shields lighting and shields accounting series SCHO and QU
- Shields motor control series DUE
- Shields local control series of the club include