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Drive shaft, oil system, bearing sprays of milk ORB, VRA and other

Offer type: salePublished: 01.02.2022
Price:960 $
Company:PKF 'Tehno-T'
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Address:Chernihivs'ka Oblast', Nizhyn, Ukraine

Plant Techno-T (, Niin Ukraine produces and offers spare parts for centrifugal spray installations of all brands of milk ORB, VRA, NIRO, RS, ZT , and other drives such as stainless steel and titanium, on 16 and 30 straight and s-shaped grooves, the diameter 210 and 270 mm; shafts, mesosystem, bearings, nuts, pipes. Manufacture and repair Raspletins installation and accessories drying facilities: washing heads-sprayers and their repair kits, the floodgates of the pneumatic system; the other is capacitive, heat exchangers and pumps made of stainless steel. Manufactured equipment according to your drawings. Contact. Valentin. +380939662050, +380681945008, e-mail: