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Manual welding line "RL" for masonry grid

Offer type: salePublished: 16.10.2013
Seller:Rosstrojteh Rosstrojteh
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Address:Russian Federation
Manual welding line "RL" is intended for the production of welded mesh in small amounts (up to 1 ton per shift) and with minimal cost.
Advantages of machines series "RL":
affordability and simplicity of design;
improved performance compared to single point machines (bit) welding;
the possibility of welding of flat frames with openings;
custom manufacturer of welded mesh (for example, rods of different diameters);
the possibility of smooth adjustment of the size of the cells (up to 1mm).
production grids with high requirements to the geometry;
replacing copper bus bars as they erase will not be a problem thanks to the unique technology attachment (not more than 1 time per year).
Supply voltage - 380 V
Power transformers - 10-75 kW (adjustable)
Mesh width up to 2000 mm
The length of the grid is not limited
Grid cell from 40x40 to Hm* (continuous adjustment)
The diameter of the welded bars (rebar) from 3x3 up to 14x14** mm
*(standard from 50x50 to 200x200 mm)
**(standard from 3x3 to 6x6 mm)
More detailed information can be found on the website of the manufacturer