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Rats and mice in warehouses, how to get rid of rodents in the production. Modern, moreover, the most effective method is the use of ultrazvukovoj

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Price:1 390 UAH
Seller:Protekt Ivan
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Address:Kyiv, Ukraine

Rats and mice in warehouses, how to get rid of rodents in the production. Modern, moreover, the most effective method is the use of ultrasonic repeller. We offer the most powerful device from rodents and insect ultrasonic repeller The Castle And Is About 1000. This model will allow to get rid of pests with the area of 1000 square meters, i.e., the opportunity arose to easily deal with rats and mice on a huge production areas.

Repeller Degrees And About 1000 multi - function effectively also against insects (fleas, spiders, ants, ticks, moths, mosquitoes). More one advantage of working in silent mode. Just the device has 4 mode: maximum effective mode of repelling rodents (sound + ultrasound), silent mode deter rodents (ultrasound), the mode of repelling mosquitoes, mode deter insects.

Warranty - 1 year. Long service life - not less than 5 years. Delivery in Ukraine is free of charge no pre-payment.

Official dealer the manufacturer "I4technologyin Ukraine.

More so: 0973937888 and on the website -