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The company offers school desks and chairs

Offer type: salePublished: 30.03.2015
Price:590 RUR
Company:OOO “KARE”
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Address:Russian Federation, Krasnodarskiy Kray, Krasnodar

The company LLC “CARET” (Krasnodar) offers school desks and chairs at the lowest prices. All products are made of high-strength furniture pipe HH,5mm. table Top for desks made of chipboard with thickness of from 16mm, there is a possibility of manufacturing of plywood. The chairs are equipped with: the seat and backrest of curved plywood. The metal frame has high strength polymer coating powder paint. Our production base and technical equipment allow us to execute orders of any size.

1. Chair of school - 590r

2. School Desk school - R

3. The school chair adjustable - R

4. Adjustable school Desk school - R