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Overhaul of electric motors. Sewage and drainage pumps and units type ECV and domestic pumps.

Offer type: otherPublished: 28.02.2015
Company:PP Agroelektro
Seller:Andrij Oleksandrovich
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Address:Ukraine, Poltavs'ka Oblast'

Individual clients

PE "Agreementto" will quickly determine the cause and make an estimate of jewelry repair. If You are satisfied with the conditions will be initiated repair of equipment and quickly you will be able to get not only good equipment, but the warranty on the masters PE "Agreementto". Convenient system delivery will help You save time and will allow you to get Your equipment through the carrier at any point in Poltava, Sumy or Haruko area.
Pleasant the bonus will be available for consultation in the wizard instructions and useful tips which will help extend the life of the equipment.
PE "Agreementto performs maintenance work for equipment located on the guarantee. The list of brands-partners potochnoye phone.

Businesses and farmers

Any whether episodic work, or permanent cooperation will benefit You and pleasure. The ability transport equipment, specialist in place, timely diagnosis and preventive examinations will allow You never to stop the production process due to breakage.
If you will choose a permanent cooperation, PP "Agreementto" will surprise You with a pleasant bonuses, namely free diagnostics and preventative inspection, which are absolutely free to You. Trusting equipment experts, you not only save time, and work time enterprises, but also the means.