Bizator  /  Adverts  /  equipment and materials  /  industrial equipment  /  heating engineering, boilers


Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Price:100 000 UAH
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Address:Kyiv, Ukraine

      The burner used on almost all types of steam and hot water boilers from 1 ton of steam per hour (0.7 MW) up to 8 t of steam/h (5.6 MW) on such boilers as E-1.0-0.9 E-1.6-0.9 E-2.5-0.9 E-4.0-1.4 E-6.5-1.4 DE - 4 DE-6.5 KE-4 KE-6.5 DKVR-4 DKVR-6.5 and imported boilers, as ICI Caldai, Buderus, Viessman, Loss, Boswithhand TD.

Depending on fuel quality (energy content, moisture content), the process of gasification of wood waste to achieve high efficiency (90 - 92%) , high performance boiler and minimum samaccount.