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ANGLO tape flexible heating

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
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Address:Ukraine, Kharkivs'ka Oblast', Kharkiv
Heat tape is the ENGLE-400 is an industrial quality flexible heating tape that can be used for heating and heat loss compensation tanks, pipelines and other process equipment.
May be required to:
• Building industry-heated bitumen/asphalt;
• Paint and coatings industry - polymerization furnace;
• Chemicals - injection molding machines, extruders;
• Metal - melting fusible alloys;
• Heating plates presses, dies, molds, equipment devices contact and convective heating, including drying and oven cabinets.
• Maximum temperature* 400C
• Minimum bend radius 15mm
• The length of the low-temperature conclusions 700mm
• Power supply 220V