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The digital thermostat on a DIN rail (16A/3kW) RT-16/D1

Offer type: salePublished: 28.02.2015
Price:331 UAH
Seller:Malikov Aleksandr
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Address:Ukraine, Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Dnipropetrovsk

The principle of operation of the thermostat:

The thermostat measures temperature and keeps the temperature the working environment by controlling the external heating (cooling) the aggregates. The device has 1 channel on-off regulation (on, off).

Technical characteristics of the thermostat:

  • adjustment range temperature : 0 to +125ºС;
  • switching capacity relay: 16a/250V;
  • power supply: ~220B;
  • temperature sensor: external DS18B20 digital (cable length ~2m);
  • resolution: 1OC;
  • the number of digits of the digital display: 3;
  • digit height led: 10mm;
  • power consumption: less than 1W;
  • ambient temperature: from +5 º C to +50 º C;
  • the size of the controller: him.

The scope of thermostat:

The thermostat designed for use in climate monitoring and processes requiring temperature maintenance in the specified limits (warm floors, heating boilers, heaters, warm veils, greenhouses, cold rooms, freezers, refrigerated display cases and other technological equipment). The device can operate as heating and cooling devices.