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Freelance corporate business coach

Offer type: servicesPublished: 02.10.2014
Seller:Igor' Gajdukov
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Address:Russian Federation, Moskovskaya Oblast', Moscow
Offer professional and quality training. Specialize in sales, as well as the assessment and management personnel.
Experience in sales is 14 years, including a business coach - 8 years. Was taught by an experienced guru. Conducted more than 300 training courses in 56 cities of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia.
Realistically change the behavior of your employees: they will become effective, or I will return the money.
A clear plan of action:
1. We schedule events
2. Define the criteria by which we will measure the quality of learning;
3. Negotiated and approved by the budget;
4. Evenly distribute it for a period of up to 6 months;
5. Conclude the contract;
6. I start training.
You will notice changes after the first training. Sales growth guarantee for the first two months.