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Gobies chilled ship in Berdyansk

Offer type: salePublished: 05.10.2014
Seller:Baltika Yurij
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Address:Ukraine, Kyiv Oblast', Kyiv
Trading House Baltica offers wholesale bulls Azov-black sea chilled ship in Berdyansk.
It is possible to sort gobies in the size range.
Nutritional value per 100g (edible portion): proteins of 17.5 g fat 2G, calories 88 calories.
In addition to the distinctive taste and consumer properties gobies are vitamin-mineral composition. The benefit of fish
is the content in the chemical composition of the product vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) 2,905 mg, and in addition such
necessary for normal human activity of natural compounds as sulfur, zinc, molybdenum, fluorine, and others.
High quality products, full package of documents.
Shipment of products on EXW terms in Berdyansk.
Fish and seafood by the gross! Supplier of: Trade House Baltika, LLC, Kiev, Ukraine.